Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011!!!

Yeaaaaa!!....It's here again Ladies!! Time to start Blog Partying(((:  I just signed the "Christian/Religious" Blog List.  I'm #120.

I have been looking forward to this!  Thank you Susan and Janice from "Five Minutes for Mom  Click on their link to see how you can start Blog Partying now!

"Choose Life"

Until next time....

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Desire of My Heart!!

First of all I would like to say, LORD, Thank You!(:.  Secondly, I want to say, "Thank you!" and give a BIG virtual hug to my blogging friend Stacie from "No Idle Bread"  for giving me this Blog Award!!! 

{I received this award about a month ago.  I wanted to adhere to the Blog award rules and that's why it has taken me awhile to post.}   

I have always desired a Blog Award...   Psalm 37:4:
   4Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.  As I told Stacie, I hadn't spoken these words aloud.  God is so faithful to his word.  It cannot lie(:

Now, as I've learned, blog awards come with these rules:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
  2. Share 7 things about yourself
  3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
Rule #2:  Seven things about myself.

1.  I have a twin sister (Bertha).  I am the oldest by five minutes(:
2.  I am an Army Veteran (Captain).
3.  I served in Operation Iraqi Freedom 05'-06'.
4.  I like marksmanship.
5.  I am a former educator and home-schooler.
6.  I looove ice cream(:
7.  My word for life is "evolve".

Rule #3: Award fifteen recently discovered great bloggers.  

 I enjoy stopping by and/or following these blogs.  I gain insight and perspective!  The fifteen awardees are:


Rule #4:  Contact the blog awardees

I'm on it!! Awardees, again, I value and appreciate your insight and perspective!(:

"Choose Life"

Until next time....

 disclaimer from Stacie
**Please know that I understand, not everyone likes blog awards. My intent is not to offend but to let you know your words are appreciated. Also, if you choose not to participate in the "rules" of the award, I am okay with that too!** 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window....our wooded area

I am thinking....about tomorrow                                                                          

I am thankful for....wisdom

From the learning rooms....taking a deep breath and pacing myself

From the kitchen....our daughter is making cakes in her Easy Bake Oven

I am wearing....A purple shirt w/blue jeans

I am creating....a neater space - Spring cleaning

I am

I am reading....blogs

I am bear the fruit of gentleness and self-control

I am hearing....our daughter and our neighbors playing; our son dribbling the basketball outside

Around the house....I'm folding laundry/cleaning

One of my favorite cream

A few plans for the rest of the week....continued spring cleaning

Picture for thought....

Our daughter loves this class t-shirt!!! ( GCA  (Georgia Cyber Academy 09'-10')

"Choose Life"

Until next time....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm In!

The De-cluttering Challenge:  Hosted by "Simple Mom"; click to participate.

Here’s how it works:

1. On Monday, I’ll announce that week’s “hot spot” project.
2. You’ll have the week to declutter, clean, and organize that area — don’t forget to take “before” and “after” photos (no straightening up ahead of time, either!).
3. On Friday, I’ll reveal my own “before” and “after” photos.
4a. You’ll also post your photos and write about your experience on your own blog, then link to it on Simple Mom.
4b. If you don’t have a blog, you can share your “before” and “after” photos in theSimple Living Flickr pool, describing your experience in the photos’ description. (You can also do this even if you have a blog.)
5. Rest from the week’s hard work by browsing everyone else’s photos (and find inspiration for the next project!).
6. Cross your fingers in hopes that you’ve won that week’s giveaway.

"Choose Life"
Until next time....

Well it's next time.  Here are my De-Clutter Hot Spot #2 pics - Paper Clutter:

We check homework, conduct research, reteaching, teaching, put mail, I blog, listen to music and eat here at our kitchen table.   I know. It's CLUTTERED!!!!


 After pic#1

After -- pic#2

I will not allow it to look that way again.  It's been about two weeks and it still looks good!!!

I am proud of myself(:

"Choose Life"

Until next time....

A New Thing!

I am participating in "A New Thing" bible verse challenge hosted by At the Well click link to join!!
{Written by Joy McMillian} 

Bible Verse to Memorize:

Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:18-19

"Choose Life"

Until next time....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

In the Chaos, I Find Rest

{click here to "Jam" with  Faith on Thursdays:} 

I'm not quite sure how to articulate my thought pattern at the moment.  Numerous thoughts, ideas, doubts, fears, suggestions and possible solutions are running through my mind.  I become overwhelmed.  I begin to speak God's promises.  I find rest.

Our son hasn't thought through his homework assignment.  I ask, "did you read the directions carefully?"  "No Mam".  In a firm parental tone I begin; "haven't we told you to read the directions carefully; if you don't understand, ask questions.  I  get tired of"....I pause.  Holding back my growing frustration,  I begin to speak God's promises.  I find rest.

In the chaos of my everyday life, I am thankful that I am, can and will continue to find rest in the community of God's word.

"Choose Life"

Until next time....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Intentions, Choice


It's Wk. 8! Here's what I've learned so far:

S.   James 4:1-8

O.  v.1 - We desire what we cannot have and want what we do not need
      v.2 - We have not because we ask not
      v.3 - However, when we ask, what are our true intentions?
      v.4 - We can't serve two masters.
      v.5 - His spirit resides in us
      v.6 - God gives grace to the humble and sets himself against the proud
      v.7 - Submit yourself to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you
      v.8 - Draw closer to God and he will draw closer to you.

A.  Ask God to create in me a clean heart and renewed mind
      Be not a friend to the world.  Remain humble.
      Remain "intentional":
     Guard my heart, filter my thoughts, emotions and actions

P.   I must always pray.

P.S. I admire the promise/motto Courtney ("Walk with the King") and Angela ("Love God Greatly") leave us with when we visit.   After much thought and prayer,  I was given a promise that spoke to my heart:

"Choose Life"
Deuteronomy 30:19:
  19I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.

Until next time....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Project #10: A Spirit of Thankfulness

I like being "intentional".  It provides me with much needed insight(:

I accept the challenge!  Project #10:  A Spirit of Thankfulness, is being hosted at

This week, the challenge is to identify 50 things that you are thankful for. 50 gifts that you have been graced with. 50 blessings. However you look at it, you will be embracing a new spirit, a spirit of thankfulness.
Then, if you see a difference…I challenge you to continue counting!

#1.  knowing God as a "Father"

#2.  my husband and children

#3.  being able to be a homemaker

#4.  my health

#5.  a zeal for wisdom/learning/understanding

#6.  my mother, sisters, and brother

#7.  God's earthly and spiritual protection

#8.  God's love  

#9. God's favor

#10. God's wisdom

#11. Our home

#12. God's provision

#13.  Our son took the initiative to organize his portfolio

#14.  our "date" day

#15. answered prayer

#16.  Godly women 

#17.  unconditional love

#18.  positive change

#19.  cultivating the fruit of patience, gentleness and self-control in my spirit

#20.  music

#21. random smiles, hugs, and kisses from my husband and children

#22. my kids saying, "I love you Mommy"

#23. my husband's gazes of love and affection

#24. God's mercy

#25. God's grace

#26.  friends who keep in touch

#27. restful days

#28.  kittens:)

#29. being appreciated

#30. constructive criticsm

#31.  God Sends

#32.  cleanliness

#33. integrity

#34. reflection

#35. fabric softner sheets

#36. creativity

#37. discernment

#38.  eccentric people

#39.  a good night's sleep

#40.  mental rest and relaxation

#41.  water

#42.  food

#43.  candy(:

#44. glass art

#45.  internet

#46. thoughtfulness

#47. forgiveness

#48. second opinions

#49.  printers and ink

#50.  salvation

Well, it's true, I can go on and on.  That's exactly what I am going to do.  It helped me view different perspectives and prioritize.  Thanks for the challenge(:

#51. little things

#52. learning not to "sweat the small stuff"

#53.  motivation

#54.  happiness

#55.  disappointments and failures that made me stronger and taught me a lesson

#56. restoration

#57. inspirational/insightful blogs

#58.  blogger friends/followers

#59. wit

#60.  humility

#61. generosity

#62. garage sales

#63.  free stuff

#64. provision

#65. change

#66. books

#67. babies

#68. giggles

#69. movies

#69. documentaries

#70. sitcoms

#71.  laughter

to be continued....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Discern and Guard



It's Wk. 7! Here's what I've learned so far:

S. - James 3: 13-17

O. - v.13-  A truly wise man is humble and noble in deed and action.
        v.14 - Don't give pride to bitterness, jealousy, and strife
        v. 15 - This wisdom is earthly, not of God
        v. 16 - Where bitterness, jealousy and strife reside, there is confusion.
        v. 17 - Discerning spiritual wisdom from earthly wisdom is priceless. 
                   God's wisdom is: pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, 
                    full of mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere.
                   (shared on - 2/28/11 Vlog Post)

A. -  Strive to be consistently humble.
        Continue to "guard my heart" against jealousy, strife, and bitterness
        When wisdom is given, use "spiritual" discernment

P. - I must always pray!

Until next time....