(First picture we took at a photo gallery in Andalusia, AL.-- James (21) Gertha (19))
My husband James and I met in 1992 at Lurleen B. Wallace State Jr. College in Andalusia, AL. I was 19. He's from Mobile, AL and I'm from a little town forty-five minutes South of Albany, Ga called Morris, Ga.
At the time, I was dating someone else. Consequently, I found out he was seeing another girl besides me. I was hurt, a little. However, in my heart , I liked James from the start. I used to watch him in the backyard from my bathroom window of our apartment complex. ( Our college didn't have dorms so we lived in apartments) I wanted to make sure that he liked me too because I didn't want to get hurt again. I would speak and we'd oddly end up in the same places. Later, I discovered he was watching me as well:-).
We couldn't stand to be away from each other. He was always on my mind. I love how he would always be there when I needed him, give me what I needed and put me first. I graduated in 1992 from LBW and transferred to Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, AL. We'd write letters and had an ENORMOUS phone bill:-). We were miserable apart. But, being who he is, he transferred to Athens State to be near me. I love him for that. I miss that feeling and that energy.
I'm going to let him know/show him just how much I love and appreciate him. He's such a remarkable provider for our family.
This is us 14 years and two children later.

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