Thursday, March 3, 2011

Discern and Guard



It's Wk. 7! Here's what I've learned so far:

S. - James 3: 13-17

O. - v.13-  A truly wise man is humble and noble in deed and action.
        v.14 - Don't give pride to bitterness, jealousy, and strife
        v. 15 - This wisdom is earthly, not of God
        v. 16 - Where bitterness, jealousy and strife reside, there is confusion.
        v. 17 - Discerning spiritual wisdom from earthly wisdom is priceless. 
                   God's wisdom is: pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, 
                    full of mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere.
                   (shared on - 2/28/11 Vlog Post)

A. -  Strive to be consistently humble.
        Continue to "guard my heart" against jealousy, strife, and bitterness
        When wisdom is given, use "spiritual" discernment

P. - I must always pray!

Until next time....



  1. I have been doing the James study as well, and have gotten a lot out of it.

  2. This James study is something serious. I'm doing it with my mom and we both are like, "Lord, please grant us wisdom from on High!" I have also been sharing it with my children some mornings.

    The thing that struck me today is that wisdom from above is willing to yield. In other words, it was like I could almost hear the Lord saying, YIELD STACIE, BE WILLING TO YIELD!! How "unwise" I've been in those stubborn, unsubmissive moments!

    But, I must press on. Pray for me as I pray for you.

    God bless you!

  3. Hi Lisa,

    I know what you mean! I think James is a book of self-improvement and reflection. Thanks for stopping by(:

  4. Hi Stacie!

    When reading the Amplified version, the word "yield" sharply quickened my spirit as well. Our minds are being renewed and we are in the "pressing" process of becoming a Proverbs 31 woman(:.

    In each other's prayers. Take care and be blessed!

  5. I am also doing the James study and loving it! Today (Friday's) was also a great blessing to me and encouragment to sow righteousness.

  6. Hi Joyce,

    Thank you for stopping by(:. I came over for "Friday Funnies". LOL!! I was encouraged by your GMG posts. Be blessed!
