Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window....our wooded area

I am thinking....about tomorrow                                                                          

I am thankful for....wisdom

From the learning rooms....taking a deep breath and pacing myself

From the kitchen....our daughter is making cakes in her Easy Bake Oven

I am wearing....A purple shirt w/blue jeans

I am creating....a neater space - Spring cleaning

I am

I am reading....blogs

I am bear the fruit of gentleness and self-control

I am hearing....our daughter and our neighbors playing; our son dribbling the basketball outside

Around the house....I'm folding laundry/cleaning

One of my favorite cream

A few plans for the rest of the week....continued spring cleaning

Picture for thought....

Our daughter loves this class t-shirt!!! ( GCA  (Georgia Cyber Academy 09'-10')

"Choose Life"

Until next time....


  1. Hope your spring cleaning is going well. I'm doing my house in fits and starts when the energy takes me. I hate the sun shining on dirty windows and that's usually my cue to start!

    Great looking blog :)

  2. Spring cleaning has been on my mind, too. Oh, where to start?
