Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Completing Him Challenge -- Overall Feedback

Interestingly, I am sooo glad I took this challenge.  My husband and I:

- had some heartfelt conversations
- we grew closer
- I discovered things I didn't know mattered to him
- and I fell in love with him again:-)!!! 


Monday, August 2, 2010

Our Family Vision

I missed the Linky on this challenge; however, it's better late than never:-).  The vision for the Cook Family is as follows:

1.) Eventually move to AL 
2.) Ensure J.J. and Gwenyth are prepared for the real world
3.) Have a secure financial future
4.) Break cycles of our past 

R-E-S-P-E-C-T My Husband

Respect to my husband means asking myself the question, "How would James feel if I did?"  and vice versa.

I am continuing to learn and grow in the area of respect.  I realized I must submit to my husband.  The thought of submitting to my husband was not easy for me.  After many hard times and trials in our marriage I realized how completely clueless I was.  Submission is not being a doormat.  It is the total opposite.  I've found how much closer I have become to my husband because I chose to submit.

I have learned that when a woman doesn't feel loved by her husband, its because her husband doesn't feel respected.